The EU’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation


The EU’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation

Live webinar: 19 September 2023, 11:00 – 12:00 a.m. EEST

The European Union’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) entered into force in January 2023 and gave the European Commission the power to investigate subsidies granted by non-EU governments to companies active in the EU and correct possible harmful effects they may have on the EU market.

The new rules impose severe reporting requirements on the companies entering M&A transactions or participating in large-scale procurement procedures in the EU. They also give the European Commission the right to review on its own initiative any other market situations where foreign subsidies might undermine the level playing field in the internal market.

Are companies ready for the notification obligations which will be effective as of 12 October 2023?

Please join us on 19 September 2023 at 11:00 a.m. EEST for a webinar, where we will discuss:

  • Overview of the FSR framework
  • New reporting obligations and related challenges
  • Brief overview of review procedures and likely focus of EC investigations
  • Impact in case of non-compliance
  • Practical view on how to prepare for FSR compliance and manage FSR-related risks.

The EU’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation

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Kai Struckmann

Kai Struckmann

Partner, Deloitte Legal

Gateway Building, Luchthaven Brussel Nationaal 1 J 1930 Zaventem, Belgium   Kai is the leader of the EU Law and State Aid Center of Excellence within Deloitte Central Europe, supplementing Deloitte’s ... More

Katarzyna Berestecka

Katarzyna Berestecka

Senior managing associate, Deloitte Legal

Gateway Building, Luchthaven Brussel Nationaal 1 J 1930 Zaventem, Belgium Katarzyna is a senior EU lawyer with over 10 years of experience in EU law, in both private practice and in the EU institution... More

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We look forward to welcoming you to this webinar!

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Andra Popa

Andra Popa

Senior Marketing Coordinator

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