
Energy and environment

Within the electricity, oil and gas field, our team provides advice on a wide variety of aspects, including in relation with the generation, exploration, exploitation, distribution, trading and supply to end-consumers. The work is focused on the panels listed below.

Our experienced and dedicated team advises clients from various industries on all environmental law matters.


Regulatory aspects

We are constantly involved in regulatory matters connected to the licensing process, construction of new plants, legal regime of the assets used within the production or distribution processes, tariffs regime and regulatory surveillance.

Transactional assistance

Our team is advising on a wide range of transactions, within all steps, starting with the due diligence, drafting of the contractual documentation and the negotiation thereof. At the same time, we were involved in complex corporate restructuring process for some of the most important players in the energy market.

Corporate and commercial

In this area, we developed a wealth of experience in drafting, negotiating and concluding the industry-specific agreements. At the same time, we provide full-scale advice on the structuring of new marketing/sale chains for the suppliers who diversify their offer in the context of the liberalization of the electricity and natural gas market. On the corporate side, we provide day-to-day advice to the companies in the area, considering the special regulatory requirements applicable in their field, further to the implementation of the un-bundling EU and local requirements.

Public procurement

Since many of the entities playing in the energy field are either state-owned or enjoying special or exclusive rights, we are best placed to advise them in the structuring of the competitive selection procedures, as well as in case of audits made by the Court of Accounts.


Waste management health checks and compliance

Review of compliance with waste management requirements, particularly packaging waste and WEEE, and assistance in implementing remedial/ risk mitigation actions, including drafting procedures, contract drafting and review, assessment of traceability documentation, etc. Special focus on review of exposure towards the Environmental Fund and risk-mitigation and prevention actions, in collaboration with the colleagues from Deloitte Tax.

Permitting assistance

Identifying permitting requirements for developing various types of projects (including within or in vicinity of natural protected areas) and performing various activities. Assisting clients in the environmental and water management permitting procedures in all development phases of a project (planning, construction, operation) and representation before national and local environmental authorities in the permitting procedures, including in relation to comments/ challenges from the interested public.

Industrial emissions and pollution control and management

Advice in relation to limits for different industrial emissions, the EU-ETS system, pollution abatement, monitoring and reporting requirements. Advice and assistance in relation to environmental liability, managing historical and accidental pollution, including in what regards assessment and remediation actions.

Due diligence and transaction assistance

Identifying environmental related risks in due diligence exercises. Assistance on various environmental matters (obtaining/ transferring permits, environmental obligations, liability for pollution) in transactions. 


Assisting clients during controls and teaming up with the colleagues from the litigation department for challenging the control documents issued by the National Environmental Guard, National Environmental Protection Agency and the Environmental Fund Administration.

Assistance on product related requirements

Ensuring the necessary support to producers, importers, distributors and service providers in identifying and observing the environmental requirements applicable to the production and selling of various products and provision of various services, including from the perspective of the specific requirements on RoHS, WEEE, hazardous substances and mixtures (REACH, CLP), packaging and waste management. Assistance with registration requirements (e.g., EEE/ BAA producer).


Georgiana Singurel

Georgiana Singurel


Georgiana is the coordinating partner of the corporate and M&A team of Reff & Associates with over 25 years of experience as attorney at law and part of Deloitte team as of April 2001. Georgiana is sp... More

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Ovidiu Bălăceanu

Ovidiu Bălăceanu

Senior Managing Associate

Ovidiu is Senior Managing Associate with Reff & Associates, assisting clients on a wide range of environmental law, regulatory and data protection aspects. With more than 16 years of experience in env... More