Case studies

Completed projects


Tax Litigations

Legal assistance and representation to a leading engineering and healthcare equipment provider in Europe
Tax litigation for the annulment of a Tax Assessment Decision issued by the tax authorities imposing additional VAT, late payment charges and interests in amount of over EUR 15,000,000.

Legal assistance and representation to the largest company acting in the Romanian dairy industry
Legal assistance and representation in administrative and litigation procedures for obtaining the exemption from the payment of alleged additional VAT and Corporate income tax assessment decisions of approx. EUR 5 million and closing of the enforcement procedure commenced by the Tax Authority against the Client regarding the above mentioned alleged due amounts.

Legal assistance and representation to one of the largest wind turbines producers worldwide

Assistance and representation in complex matters, such as:

  • challenging local tax decisions issued in relation with the company’s wind turbines, in amount exceeding EUR 2 million, as well as in relation to an enforcement procedure commenced by one of the local authorities;
  • administrative and litigation procedures in relation to the annulment of the Order no. 1210/2014 of the Ministry of Public Finances, that instates the obligation for wind turbines owners to pay building taxes to municipalities; 
  • procedures in relation to the reimbursement of VAT in amount of approx. EUR 16.6 mil. Following the administrative appeal, the tax authority granted the reimbursement for the amount of EUR 12 mil. The rest is currently in the litigation phase in front of the competent court of law.

Legal assistance and representation to one of the world's largest investor-owned electric utility service providers
Legal assistance and representation in respect to the annulment of the Tax Assessment Decisions in a total amount of approx. EUR 10 mil

Legal assistance and representation to a leading European pharmaceuticals company
Legal assistance and representation to a leading pharmaceuticals company, part of an important European group, in relation to a Tax Assessment Decision in amount of approx. EUR 10 mil., as well as successfully obtaining for the Client the cancellation of the late payment charges provided under GEO no. 44/2015, in amount of approx. EUR 2,4 mil.

Legal assistance and representation to a Municipal Public Transportation Company
Successfully assisting and representing a Municipal Public Transportation Company in a tax litigation in respect to the annulment of the Tax Assessment Decision through which additional VAT, income tax and additional tax penalties and late payment charges in amount of over EUR 440.000 were imposed in respect to the acquisition of a Gondola lift acquired by a third party through a leasing agreement and afterwards transferred to the Public Transportation Company.

Legal assistance and representation to a leading player in the food & drinks industry
Legal assistance and representation in a court litigation regarding the annulment of a Competition Council’s Decision concluding a breach of the provisions of art. 5 para. 1 of Law 21/1996 and art. 101 TFUE, issued as result of the largest investigation on the retail market.

Legal assistance and representation to reputed local companies acting in the poultry and farming industry
Successfully assisting reputed local companies in administrative and litigation proceedings regarding the allocation and utilization of European funds for agricultural investments.

Commercial Litigations

Legal assistance and representation to one of the largest companies in the European publishing sector 
Successfully assisting and representing the Client in a commercial litigation regarding services provided by its distributor in Romania under a RON 18 mil. Agreement, requesting damages in amount of RON 1.8 mil for contractual breach. The court granted us the entire requested amount.

Legal assistance and representation to one of the world’s leading fashion companies
Successfully providing legal assistance and representation to the Client in an employment litigation having as object the annulment of an allegedly unlawful sanctioning decision issued to one of the Company’s Managers and the request of overtime. The court decided in favor of our Client, rejecting the claimant’s request.

Legal assistance and representation to a leading Spanish construction company
Representing the Client in administrative and arbitration procedures for obtaining (i) the annulment of the termination notice sent by the Romanian National Motorway Company (RNMC) with regard to a FIDIC construction works contract for the rehabilitation of a national road sector, (ii) multi-million euro damages incurred by the client due to the misconduct of the RNMC and (iii) the suspension of the enforcement commenced by the RNMC against the guarantees and insurance presented by the Client for the project.